
On this page you will find exercises for the core. Scroll down to see them all.



Lie on the stomach, keep hips on the floor and try to lean on the elbows first.

If this goes well and easily, then lean on your hands and look upwards. You can keep this up longer.

Then, to relax and relieve, the buttocks towards ankles (childs pose).

Pay attention to correct execution, do not go over your limit.



Lie on the back.

Stand on the elbows and toes and keep the back as straight as possible. Keep this up for as long as possible.

Ensure a correct posture, abdominal muscles and back as straight as possible.


Lie on your back and then rest on your elbows.

Stand on the heels and buttocks up.

Keep this up for as long as possible.

Ensure a correct posture, abdominal muscles and back as straight as possible.


Lie on your side.

Then lean on the elbow and raise your hip. Keep your feet together and hold on for as long as possible.

Ensure a correct posture, abdominal muscles and back as straight as possible.

muscle strengthening


Lie on the floor with your knees bent.

Cross the arms in front and lift the shoulders off the ground. Note, don't go too far.

Perform the exercise calmly and in a controlled manner.


Lie on the floor.

Bend the knees and then come up with your arms straight at the legs to a sitting position.

Perform the exercise calmly and in a controlled manner.


Lie on the floor, bend your legs.

Then hands to one knee and vice versa.

Perform the exercise calmly and in a controlled manner.


Lie on the floor, bend your legs.

Put your arms overhead and go to sitting position. Keep the arms high.

Perform the exercise calmly and in a controlled manner.