
On this page you will find exercises for the neck. Scroll down to see them all.



Stand up straight and move the neck in the horizontal plane in a circular motion from left to right and vice versa.

This is a tricky movement. Keep looking forward, a mirror can help control the movement.


Stand up straight and move the neck in the vertical plane in a movement from left to right and vice versa.

Move left ear to left shoulder, look straight ahead and right ear to right shoulder.


Stand up straight and move the neck in the horizontal plane in a twisting motion from left to right and vice versa.

Look calmly from left to right and vice versa.


Stand upright with arms out to the sides, one palm up and one down.

Look into the palm facing up and turn the head to the left and right and vice versa while switching the hand.

Perform the exercise calmly and in a controlled manner, try to get to the left and right equally far.



Reach your hand over the head and gently bring the head to the shoulders.

Then turn the head and bring it with the nose towards the armpit and chest.

This to both sides.