
On this page you will find exercises for the shoulders. Scroll down to see them all.



Walk up as far as possible with your hands on the wall.

Hold this for a moment and turn a quarter turn around your axis. Lower outer arm to your side.

Again with both hands up against the wall and now in the opposite direction.

Make sure that the exercise is performed calmly and in a controlled manner, back straight and shoulder blades back.


Stand up straight, palms facing forward.

Make a half circle movement to the side with the arms from the bottom up and back.

Make sure that the exercise is performed calmly and in a controlled manner, back straight and shoulder blades back.


Stand up straight, palms facing in.

Make a semicircle movement with the arms forward from bottom to top and back.

Make sure that the exercise is performed calmly and in a controlled manner, back straight and shoulder blades back.


Stand up straight, chin to chest.

Cross your arms forward and make a convex upper back.

Then put your arms back, straighten your back and move your head up.

Try to perform the movement calmly and make the movement as big as possible.


Stand up straight, elbows to your sides and 90 degrees forward.

Then turn the forearms outward with the palms facing up. Make sure your elbows are always against the body

Try to perform the movement calmly and make the movement as big as possible.



Stand up straight.

Grab both hands behind the back and gently bring them back.

Make sure you stand straight and feel a stretch around the shoulders in line with the arm.


Stand up straight.

Bring one arm in front of the chest horizontally and with the other arm press/stretch the arm/shoulder.

Make sure you stand straight and feel a stretch around the shoulder in line with the arm.


Stand with your face to the wall.

Place the hand horizontally on the wall and then walk around your shoulder, stretching the chest and arm muscles.

Do this on both sides.

Notice that you feel a stretch around the shoulder in line with the arm.



Hold the elastic with both hands.

Keep it under tension above the head and then move to the left and right as much as possible.

Watch your core, keep it contracted, perform the exercise calmly and in a controlled manner. During the exercise, turn the palms of your hands upwards.


Hold the elastic under tension with both hands.

Move the arms back as much as possible with straight arms.

Pay attention to posture, stay upright.

Keep the tension on the elastic constant.

Muscle strengthening


Clip the elastic under the foot.

Place the elastic under the opposite hand and raise the hand diagonally.

Watch your posture, perform the exercise calmly and in a controlled manner. Keep resistance in the elastic as much as you are able to.


Stand with your feet on the elastic. Grab the elastic or wrap it around the hands.

Do a bicep curl movement.

Make sure you perform the movement smoothly and keep enough tension on the elastic.


Put the elastic around a table leg or something similar.

Lie on the floor with one arm stretched down towards the feet and one arm stretched up towards the table leg.

Then only move the shoulder blade down.

Make sure that the arms remain straight during the exercise, only the shoulder blade may move!


Take the elastic in your hands, with or without loops. Palms up.

Move both hands out and in, at the same time.

Perform the exercise in a controlled and calm manner.


Stand on the elastic and grab it with both hands.

Tighten your core and bring both hands diagonally up and back.

This on both sides.

Pay attention to posture and ensure that you remain stable.


Grab the elastic with both hands.

Tension it behind the shoulders and then move the arms maximum forward and maximum backward.

Pay attention posture and ensure that you remain stable.


Stand up straight with your knees slightly bent and your abs tight.

Take the elastic in your hands and stretch the arms backwards.

Pay attention the posture and tighten the abdominal muscles during this exercise.


Stand up straight with your feet on the elastic.

Move the arms at an angle of about 30 degrees to shoulder height. The exercise aims to work precisely in the shoulder joint.

Pay attention to posture and tighten the abdominal muscles during this exercise, the arms do not need to be higher than shoulder height.


Stand up straight with your feet on the elastic.

The elastic passes behind the back, move the elbow towards the ceiling and hold it there during the exercise.

Then stretch the hand up to the ceiling.

Perform the exercise slowly and pay attention to correct posture and length of the elastic.