
On this page you will find exercises for the feet and ankles. Scroll down to see them all.



Stand on a platform with the ball of the foot.

Lower the heel and then lift your body using your calf muscle.

Perform the exercise calmly and correctly. You can keep a finger on the wall for your balance.



Stand on a platform with the ball of the foot.

Lower the heel and then lift your body using your calf muscle.

Perform the exercise calmly and correctly.You can keep a finger on the wall for your balance.



Stand shoulder width apart.

Lift your weight on the toes and back again.


Stand on one leg with hands to your sides.

Extend the other leg forward and move the foot in all directions.


Walk in a straight line and gently roll the foot from heel to toe.

Ensure a correctly controlled gait.


Walk in a straight line with your knees raised high.

Gently roll the foot from heel to toe.

Ensure a correctly controlled gait.


Stand with the front leg slightly bent on the heel and the back leg bent on the toes.

Now walk in a straight line and switch feet.

In the floating phase, make sure that the standing leg unwinds the foot before the other foot hits the ground with the heel. This is a difficult exercise and can be performed back and forth.

Strengthening muscles


Stand shoulder width apart.

Lift your weight on the toes and back.

Ensure a correctly controlled performance.


Stand on a platform with the ball of the foot.

Lower the heel and then lift your body using your calf muscle.

Perform the exercise calmly and correctly.You can keep a finger on the wall for your balance.


Fully contract the toes until you could put your hand under your foot.

Walk forwards and backwards with the foot and toe muscles engaged.

Make sure that you walk in a straight line as much as possible, there may be a cramping feeling but after practicing several times this will decrease.